Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Rusty Hinge


What an interesting spring/summer it's been. 

I lead a pretty boring life today, thankfully.  Ok, maybe not boring per se, but a life pretty free from drama and pettiness; and I like that.  It sure beats the alternative. 

Some folks subscribe to the idea that the Universe sends signals, that some unseen power guides and directs them in some manner, or that circumstances happen at the behest of whatever it is they identify with.  Not sure I'm on board with all of that, but certainly find it all interesting to consider.  After getting laid off, having a car wipe me out, nearly coming to blows with another car that tried to take me out - I did find myself asking, 'WTF???' Did I piss "somebody" off??  

The most recent installment is that, again, I blew out my right knee. Some suggest that I damaged it in the fall when the car wiped me out before the Tuesday night 'world championships'. Possible.  None the less, it's toast.  Medial meniscus bucket handle tear, and the ACL is again torn. 

The 'Taste of the Carolina's' 1,200km brevet is definitely off. 

Surgery and rehab are 'on'.   Maybe I can post some cool video or pictures of the procedure??